Simplicity Stone Rings

With all of the craziness going on in our world today, my niece wanted to do something that would impact the communities around her in a positive way. She says,

“I was tired of just sitting at home and watching the devastating news related to COVID-19. I was tired of all of the negativity in the world. I wanted to make a change to help people better themselves in this challenging time. I have always been interested in stones and their healing properties. So I thought, why not bring these healing properties to the people around me?”

-Sierra Shields

She then learned how to make her own wire-wrapped stone rings with these healing stones. It was never about the money for her. She proceeded to send all of her friends a ring of their choosing for the cost of nothing. In return, she got the gratification of knowing that she was making a positive impact on the people who meant the most to her. After tons of feedback, she knew she wanted to make this bigger. Her entrepreneurial side began to come out and she wanted these rings to benefit anyone and everyone. She created her very own Etsy shop and instagram page for these beautiful rings @simplestonebysierra. On her pages, she says exactly what each stone is good for. These healing properties range from helping with anxiety to mending relationships and people are loving it. She is now getting orders daily and I am extremely proud of this project.


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